STAR/CHILD horoscopes for the week of April 10th, 2023
Aries and Aries Rising
You love any opportunity to slip into a leadership role and this week is laid out perfectly to make use of that skill. If ever there was a week to sit down over a cup of hot chocolate, look deep into your kids’ eyes, and create an open, fun, light, anything-is-possible space to talk about their goals and dreams—and a plan to make them real—this is that week. Just remember, they are literally children, so try to dial down your natural Aries “everything, all the time, right now” energy and keep it low-pressure for the kiddos. With Venus in Gemini, you’ll nail it.
Taurus and Taurus Rising
You’re already magical at making hard work and discipline feel weirdly fun and enjoyable for your kids, so the astrology this week is really speaking your language. You know that making sure your responsibilities are taken care of isn’t the opposite of fun—it’s how you get to a calm, relaxed place where fun comes to the surface more effortlessly. Your kids are never going to be walking around stressed about homework they’re procrastinating on, not if you can help it. This week, stay the course on this front—but make sure to keep a close eye on how your kids are feeling, and tend to that before chores.
Gemini and Gemini Rising
You are so spectacularly adaptable, which means that not only are you effortless about navigating the forever-shifting nature of your kids as they grow and evolve, but you are brilliant at shepherding them through changes as well. Right now, the cosmic conditions are electric with the possibility of change, within ourselves, in our relationships to our kids and loved ones, within our families and communities—this is a season of looking critically at everything we’re doing and not being shy about throwing out what doesn’t work anymore. If anyone can lead kids through something like this while keeping them grounded, emotionally cared for, and safe, it’s you. Tap into that this week.
Cancer and Cancer Rising
Fair warning: this is going to be one of those weeks where you have to carefully monitor the line between holding space for your kids’ emotions and actually taking on their emotions yourself. It’s an honorable battle and it’s one you’ve fought before, so you have all the skills necessary to walk the line beautifully. To keep it light and bring your bodies into balance amidst all the big feelings, make a game of lying down on the floor with your kids, throwing your legs up on the wall, and noticing how different the world looks from a new perspective.
Leo and Leo Rising
Aries season has a way of bringing out the best and worst in Leos, which is something to be conscious of this week. Hey, no shame—you are the bright, hot center of the action, and there is a powerful individualistic vibe in the air right now. You’re a master at modeling for your kids what it looks like to honor yourself, unabashedly assume your power, and enthusiastically throw yourself in the direction of your passions, and this is all amazing as a parent. Just make sure you aren’t also modeling self-centeredness, recklessness, or a lack of forethought. It can feel so good to just lean into the energy of the moment and go with it—just make sure you remember you aren’t going it alone. It’s a good week to either create or recommit yourself to the little rituals in your day that let you connect with your kids and experience a few moments of life on their terms.
Virgo and Virgo Rising
This might be one of those weeks where you feel especially practical, organized, and focused on carving out the most efficient and beneficial ways to get done all the things that need doing in your family’s lives—but it might also be a week where your kids (and maybe you) are bouncing from idea to idea, conversation to conversation, and pulling you all into focus could be a challenge. But it’s worth the effort this week. Take a hard look at the systems by which you and your kids are managing your lives. Do chore charts need revising? Is there friction somewhere in the schedule that could be creatively smoothed out? Invite your kids into the conversation and model what creative problem-solving is really all about.
Libra and Libra Rising
When it comes to all the people in your home, and all the systems, habits, and rules (official or not) that make your collective world turn from day to day, you have the keenest eye on keeping everyone and everything in balance. But you already know that. This week especially is an auspicious time to look past what works for your family in theory, and check in to see if your approach is giving all of you the tangible results you actually need to thrive together. On other fronts, if your kids’ emotions feel like a lot this week, keep a bird’s eye view of the issues while staying grounded and connected to their feelings.
Scorpio and Scorpio Rising
Venus in Gemini wants to keep things light, playful, and buoyant, which as it turns out, is precisely what the doctor ordered for Scorpio and Scorpio rising parents (who are kind of intense) when the Sun is deep into Aries (exhausting and intense) and we’re just coming out of a Full Moon last week (always intense). The astrology this week is asking you to turn into your emotional connection with your kids and let Pluto in Aquarius help you sort through what’s working—and what needs to be thrown out and rethought entirely.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising
The sun is still in Aries, so you’re probably already running hot off the energy of your fellow Fire sign, so make sure to check in with yourself this week: have you been burning yourself out? (Let’s be real: You are always burning yourself out.) Mars in Cancer might have you and your family tripping over sticky, reactive emotions lately, making it a great time to lean into the ways of Mercury in Taurus: focus on what’s clear, controllable, where order can be instilled and upheld. How does doing this for your kids help them feel safe? For fire signs in a fire season, doubling down on the practical and predictable will be as beneficial to you as it is to your kids.
Capricorn and Capricorn Rising
You understand, maybe more than any other sign, that creating structure and upholding routines for your kids does more than keep your lives running smoothly—it makes them feel held, safe, and secure on a bone-deep level. This is a week to tune into your instinctive knowledge that consistently holding these predictable boundaries for your kids is a powerful act of love—even when they hate it. Mercury in Taurus has your back on this front, while Mars in Cancer and Venus in Gemini are tempering the whole situation with emotional depth and an open, honest vibe.
Aquarius and Aquarius Rising
Your whole life is about thinking outside the box anyway, and this is a week where that tendency is going to shine brightly in your parenting life. Aquarius parents have the perfect cosmic tools this week to focus on creativity and individuality in their parenting journey. It will be amazing—as long as you keep yourself grounded in patience and flexibility to help you navigate unexpected challenges that might pop up.
Pisces and Pisces Rising
Don't be afraid to let go of perfectionism and instead embrace spontaneity, especially since this week is setting the ideal stage to make the most of your natural skill at creating a nurturing and protective environment for your kids—which, as it turns out, is exactly what kids need to explore, learn, and grow. Be open to whatever surprising ways that looks this week.